With the advancement in the technological environment, countries like India are betting on some big projects. The perception is to get the best in the least that is to reduce some pollution factors handsomely by introducing a new aspects.
This thought process of the central Government resulted in a huge to travel junkies. Yes, one can now reach the sunshine state of india through waterways. The cruise was originally slated to start in December 2017, but has been delayed since.
After a long wait- the ferry service may now start in october. The tickets are expected to cost Rs. 5000 and the journey will take about 16 hours from Mumbai to Goa. The cruise liner will start from the Muzgaon domestic terminal and stop at Raigad, Dabhol, Jaigad, Vijay Durg and Malvan before reaching its final destination Panjim.
One can now explore the serene and scenic beauty throughout their journey, On the whole, the Mumbai-Goa trip has become more exciting as you sail across the Arabian sea and experience the nature at its best.
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