The real estate market in Kolkata is as its most affordable levels in the last 7 years as per reports. For buyers who are waiting fabulous deals on real estate, there are several options to choose from them. This is buyers market and should attract more end-users and investors.
According to the new research the demand for housing in Kolkata is at an all time low. Now-a-days the demand for affordable housing is more than 60% of the total demand and for the middle range by just 12% for the upper range. The joint development between Tata Value Homes (TVH) with Square Four Group for 3500 budget homes at prime residential land at Barrackpore Trunk Road area, the overall cost of this project is around INR 3000 Crore.
On the NH-34 highway there is another locality around 30 minutes which is also a good option to invest, Bablatala, is the location which is well connected to the city. It has a better connectivity option with metro and roads and just 5 minutes away from the Rajarhat. Airport is 5 Km away from Bablatala.
The Housing infrastructure Development infrastructure has decided to give 10 % more Floor Area Ratio (FAR) without any additional charges, If the construction is according to green norms, In the Bablatala and other area. FAR is also called as Floor Space Index and it’s a ratio of total floor area to the size of the land on which it is built. The authorities are also supporting for multi storied parking areas for large commercial and residential buildings, the additional parking will not included in FAR and also if the project eco friendly building materials and solar power will be certified green. For big complexes which come to IT and Multi storied commercial complexes will be given 15% additional FAR.
Buyer also attracting towards the independent houses in the prime location. The Non Resident Indians(NRI) and who works outside of India and other metro cities in India are choosing the option of independent houses most of the them are Bengalis. There is 10% of increase in the sale of independent houses in the third quarter of last year. The reason for choosing independent houses is the more space.
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