A Commencement Certificate is a legal document that a developer needs to issue before starting the construction work of the project. A Commencement Certificate is an important document that every developer need to obtain from local municipal authority, that proves the legalization of a real estate project and grants the developer to begin the construction of the project.
How can a developer get a commencement certificate?
-The developer needs to submit his plan for the project, the municipal authority will begin conducting preliminary checks, before granting the project is fit for commencement.
-In this time, the developer must be able to provide all the necessary documents such as no-objection certificate (NOC). Also the clearance obtained from all the concerned departments, includes the fire department, water department, electricity department, sewage department, etc.
-After providing of all the relevant documents, the developer receives the certificate after the inspection by the town planning and the engineering departments.
Importance of Commencement Certificate from home buyer’s view:
It’s always considered compulsory to recheck the entire documents before you finalize the deal for the purchase/sale of a property. Below are some of the reasons why it is important to get Commencement Certificate from the developer/home buyer is must:
-The absence of Commencement Certificate while purchasing residential property is indications of an illegal property or disputed land.
-The Commencement Certificate is a proof of that your title over the property and saves you from possible legal troubles in the future.
-If you buy the property in a project that doesn’t have a legal Commencement Certificate, then you run the risk of being the owner of illegal property. For this you may also have to pay necessary fines, for buying property in an illegal project.
-Commencement Certificate ensure that the property you are purchasing has a fulfilled all requirement.
Difference between Occupancy Certificate and Commencement Certificate:
As per study seen that many of us confused or misunderstanding between OC and CC. Some people think that both are the same, But there is a difference between OC and CC. CC is legal document that devneedser need to issue before starting the construction, where OC is a document that makes the owner the eligible to enjoy the civic facilities like water, road, sanitation and electricity.
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