The super built-up area is also known as “saleable area”, it includes the built-up area along with the common amenities spaces like lobby, lifts shaft, stairs, etc. In some cases, it may also include an area of swimming pool, garden, parks and clubhouses. However, underground sump, water tanks, walkways, swimming pool, open sports facilities, weather sheds, inaccessible flower beds, lofts shall not include in the super built-up area.
When purchasing a house, a villa or an apartment, it is important that to be aware of the space and amenities comes along with it. A layperson is not familiar with the real estate or technical terms, It is important to understand the difference between such as built-up area, carpet area and super built-up area. The knowledge of this real estate related terms will help you to buy a property without any hurdles.
As per RERA (Real Estate Regulation Authority) developer to charge buyers on the basis of the carpet area. The more the amenities, the higher will be the super built-up area, many of builders use super-built up area in their advertising to attract peoples, therefore the super built-up area is also called as builders BFF! Though, one must always make sure to ask whether the marketed area of the property is the carpet area of super built-up area.
How to Calculate Super built-up area?
Super built-up area is around 1.4 times or more of the carpet area or the carpet area is around 70-80% of the super built-up area. Super built-up area may vary as per the facilities stated above, from project to project or builder to builder. Since super built-up area comes with common areas such as elevators, clubhouses, veranda, etc, the increase of this area is called as loading. For example, if the carpet area is 700 sq ft, the builder adds loading of 30 per cent, then the total area is 910 sq.ft, you have to pay for 910 sq. ft, whereas you are using just 700 sq.ft.
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