Your answer to every question that is your favourite search engine Google is today 20th years old. Google is celebrating its 20th birthday, the special doodle made for Google by Google is displayed on the home page of Google. In this Doodle video 20 years of journey of Google is shown in the video, this year’s doodle features letter-shaped balloons attached to a gift box. Tapping plays a YouTube video that animates popular searches from around the globe over the past two decades. The various terms are Y2K, Pluto losing its status as a planet, Royal Wedding, 2012 on the Mayan calendar, and avocado toast. It ends with a thank you note from Google.
Google was incorporated on September 4, 1998, but the company has always celebrated its birthday on September 27th for over a decade. 20 years ago, two students from Stanford University named, Sergey Brin and Larry Page started Google, to provide information available on the internet to people from worldwide.
Currently, Google is the top search engine in the internet world. Google Search is now available in more than 150 languages and over 190 countries.
History of Google:
Google was launched by Sergey Brin and Larry Page students from Stanford University, on September 4, 1998.
Spelling Mistake of Google:
Do you know the spelling mistake of Google? The actual name of the current Google was” Googol” but due to spelling mistake it’s named as “Google, and then it’s popular and kept as “Google”.
Domain Registration and start of Doodle:
Google registered its domain in the year 1997, and after it, the company name is officially Google. In the year 2002, the company published its first doodle, Doodle is published on birth and date anniversary of famous personalities, and on special day and events.
Google is the name that every person knows who uses the internet daily. It’s a big and largest source of information provides any information in seconds.
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