Ivy Realtors & Valuers Llp is a Limited Liability Partnership firm incorporated on 14 November 2017. It is registered at Registrar of Companies, Mumbai. Its total obligation of contribution is Rs. 600,000. Designated Partners of Ivy Realtors & Valuers Llp are Sujatha Rao, Srinithi Srinivasan and Gautam Satyanath. Ivy Realtors & Valuers Llp's last financial year end date for which Statement of Accounts and Solvency were filed is N/A and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), date of last financial year end date for which Annual Return were filed is N/A.
Ivy Realtors & Valuers Llp's LLP Identification Number is (LLPIN)AAL-1332. Its Email address is vvganesh@aceadvisory.co.in and its registered address is Flat A-602, Palm Paradise, Plot No. 8, 8A, Sector-17, Palm Beach Road, Sanpada NA Navi Mumbai Thane Maharashtra 400705
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