RajYash Group was formed three decades ago entered into the Construction Industry to be an active Contributor to the development of the Ahmedabad. RajYash group consisting young, energetic and extremely committed professionals has contributed greatly in redefining the skyline of Ahmedabad with successful completion of more than 35 projects. RajYash Group have built High-rise Apartments, Low-rise Flats, Bungalows, Shopping Centres, Farm houses and more that cater to the needs and building life of Ahmedabad. RajYash Group has accomplished this by fusing engineering knowledge with innovative skills, harnessing men and materials to the best possible use. RajYash strongly believes in contributing towards the betterment of society and endeavour to create a positive impact and this has helped us build a honourable relationship with customers. RajYash Vision is to set benchmarks in Quality, Economy and Speed of Delivery. To be the preferred employer in the industry. RajYash is triumph of the Oscar of Ahmedabad Gihed Award for the Best affordable Housing Project in Ahmedabad. Quality is major concern for Raj Yash group and therefore, total quality principles are adopted in selection of the material, implementation of the project and even after the project is handed over.

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